Posts tagged ‘grandson’

May 24, 2013


myself Charlene and sons  Alexander & Vincent 001 - CopyI don’t appreciate Carmella E Barber and Nelson R Barber taking me to their family at all I really wish they did not do me like that I think they should have left me.
They should have let someone else have me, because I am God’s child and I am a person who got feelings, and if they had done the right thing and gave me a second chance of life with a family who may have had a possible future for me, I believe I may not have been bothered with no inside enemies, and other people who are stupid enough to help them, I am not dumb and I’m not stupid and I am certainly not crazy. they so called parents always did called me CRAZY, they always threatened to take me to a school counselor, a psychiatrist to find if I’m CRAZY OR NOT, they said it they find out I am CRAZY THEY WILL PUT ME IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION, AND AN AUDY HOME FOR BAD AND GIRLS, THAT WAS NOT FAIR TO ME AT ALL. Carmella and Nelson did not do their daughters and sons like they picked and they chosen me,
because both of the parents did not want me in their family from the beginning, THEN WHY DO THE ENTIRE FAMILY PEOPLE REALLY DO HATE MY GUTS PERSONALLY, AND THE FAMILY PEOPLE REALLY HATE MY SON Alexander and MY SON Vincent, I was told my name is on their house, I did not sign no papers, I did not see no documentation of that, because nobody did not show me nothing at all, I do not no the situation to that, If my name is on that house, I want my name off that house I don’t want nothing to do with the people at all and I want to really left alone altogether, I did not benefit being here in this family, I suffered in shame and I did suffer in silenced, and over 50 years of nightmares and BS.