Imagemyself Charlene and sons  Alexander & Vincent 001 - CopySeveral decades ago when I was born the man said I was not his baby when he first saw me, he denied me he turned his back on me and walked out of the hospital , the women’s mother in law Rose did not believe I was her son’s baby so she tried to have Carmella E Barber killed by her husband, she did tell me out of her own mouth, she waited nearly until I was in my later 50s and she already turned her back on me too and she was already criminally hateful toward me, she did take criminal control of my life and my personal business and affairs the black family have already been removed themselves this is why the people already got my personal business and I was never even safe in this family at all. they did keep me from working a decent paid salary career in all areas even in 2013 the family people will not let me work because they already been using me for decades behind my back, I can not work outside my home I will not be safe if I do that the family people will not let me work, they been harassing me for decades now and yes in 2013, they took me to the family they did set me up for continued nonstop abuses, and they did take my money away from me and they nearly took my kids away from me and they nearly killed one of my sons, I can not sugar coat the abuses me and my 2 children were really put through, it was pure hell from the start.

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