Archive for March, 2013

March 29, 2013


ImageAfter severals years of abuse you can’t get over that, THE PEOPLE IN THIS FAMILY DO GOT SOMETHING AGAINST PEOPLE WITH ALBINISM I KNOW BECAUSE THE FAMILY PEOPLE REALLY DO GOT A SERIOUS PERSONAL VENDETTA AGAINST ME. THEY DEHUMANIZED ME, THEY USED ME AND THEY DELIBERATELY STOOD IN MY WAY THEY WOULD NOT LET ME LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I WANTED TO, THEY BLOCKED ME FROM WORKING A DECENT PAID CAREER WITH A WELL PAID SALARY, ALL THIS BECAUSE I WAS AN UNWANTED ALBINO BABY GIRL AND WAS TAKEN TO THE WRONG DAMN FAMILY. It is not my fault I was taken home where I was not welcomed the entire family did not even accept me from the beginning that is where all my troubles began at.and I was at their mercy and the people on the mother side they never took the time with me. The people on the step father side side of the family they never too the time with me either, I don’t even have not one single cousin communicating with me not at all and the whole family is like this with me I am not lying about that I don’t think I am a child. I am a grown women with a mother who always did treat me like a child and she still treat me like a child and there was nothing wrong with me but she told me she wanted to tell me how I got all messed up and it was about some white people she had in her family and I don’t know them at all and then I was told to dye my hair black and I was forced to dye my hair brown for several years and wear brown wigs until I stopped doing that and I should not have had to dye my blonde hair an not wear no wigs, I got a right to wear my hair blond that is my true hair color and I was called derogatory names Albino and some of those people on the mother side of the family said they don’t have no ALBINISM IN THEIR FAMILY I WAS TOLD THAT I AM NOT LYING AT ALL. I AM TELLING THE TRUTH AND NO I CAN NOT GET OVER IT AFTER BEING ABUSED FOR NOTHING I DID TO THEM PEOPLE FOR FAR TOO LONG and for decades and for that LENGTH OF TIME DON’T MAKE NO KIND OF SENSE AT ALL.
What am I supposed to do just put up and shut up for unprovoked vigilante bias crimes done to me for nothing and the did man handle my children too, they nearly killed one of my children and I had to flee far too many addresses amd I didn’t bother nobody and I did mind my very own business. and I made the big mistake of telling the mother I was may relocate she did tell me if I move somewhere else.I will just get the same thing and I might as well stay here in Chicago IL
The people won’t let me alone and I am not even bothering them at all. they did destroy I always had trouble getting paid jobs they always stood in my way and when I wanted to work when I was a teenager the mother did not back me up at all.I got excuses instead, I got stuck with babysitting and house work. this went on against me for decades and now I am the only person in the family with out any income but everybody got income. no I can not just get over it because was very criminal from the beginning. it is wrong and where I’m at I can’t get a medicaid card and I don’t have any income I am telling the truth.